
Showing posts from January, 2020

Say Yes & No

You should say yes, to the opportunities you believe in, the ideas that excite you, and people you cherish every moment with.  Don't spend your time uselessly, to dreading each ticking second for the happiness of someone you honestly don't have much care for, otherwise you wouldn't be so miserable. Be honest with yourself, and say no when needed. 

Growing Up

When we're young, we can't wait until we grow up. When we can do whatever we want and go wherever. A time when we're older, smarter, prettier, or more handsome--a time when everything will fall in place and all our questions will be answered. But being an adult isn't that--at all. Instead we wish to go back, to staring out windows with not nearly as much worry on our minds. When depression and anxiety didn't cloud our feelings, and where a smile isn't so hard to muster but something absolutely easy and natural. Where all we want now, is the chance to go back and enjoy the simpleness of childhood, or what was left of one. Except how can you go back to childhood when it's so far away? When it was only small moments that reminded you of your age and gave you an escape from the responsibilities sitting on your chest? How do you live the life you truly want to live?

The Inner Voice, Creativity, & Simply Thinking

What would happen if everyone heard that voice inside--their intuition, the creativity speaking in hopes of action to bring its force to prosperous life? What would become of those souls? Would their life improve, or if we began small, would their mood incline? What would become? First though we must ask ourselves do we have that voice, that gut wrenching feeling that may hit like a pinprick or one day it'll not be in your chest or stomach but like a brick to the head--does any of this sound familiar? If not well I don't know what to call it but I'd suggest becoming more in tune with yourself and inner self especially. In the ways that you can confidently decide once given and having a presented opportunity before you, to choose the utmost one that you individually, personally and selfishly feel at your best and at peace with. It's a hard road and it doesn't necessarily happen over night--maybe it's tragedy and loss through the years, wisdom with th

2020 We Can

Think of this--2020 is a new year but it's also a new decade.  This decade what will you do? Maybe in this decade you'll get married, have children, travel the world, reach the starting point that turns to a successful pedestal in your career and from there you continue with strength and motivation. This new year isn't just another, it's a wake up call. A wake up call, that's right--an alarm really--to what you ask though?  2020 is the year for change, real change. Not the hypocritical, internet shit but get out there volunteer, donate, foster animals, change your diet and lifestyle for your body and health but also the environment--did you know every second a cow is killed in a slaughterhouse? And trust me, however humane it is and yes beef and other meats are protein and vitamin packed, have you ever driven past those slaughterhouses? I'll tell you, on the way to the valley and city of Angels, from the north end of California--the smell is horrendou

True Friends

Our lives are experiments. We try new things, go out and talk to strangers and hope that one day we won't be so alone, or alone in the sense of never connecting with at least one person. That the friends we have now, can you honestly say they are you're true friends? The someone to answer the phone at 2 am when your car won't start, who will pick you up when you're drunk, spend the day with you at a coffee shop or lounging in sweats and ratty shirts with movies in the background, talk with you and give their whole attention besides the occasional side glance to the movie or show in the background that you had originally put on to watch but instead talking is the go to because you each have so much to say and yet you'll listen graciously to the other person. The someone you connect with is your best friend, romantically or platonically--you're there for each other and you care. Now how many of you have true, real friends? 

Isn't Specific To

There isn't a specific topic to sit down and write about at this moment, for I have so many ideas in my head. From the fires in Australia, to the corrupt governments in their country and our own, politics in general, social media and how to gain attention and grow an audience authentically, how to take care of my body from the food I eat, how much I let myself devour, and skin regimes to workout routines. And that is just the tip of the iceberg that revolves right now, like our solar system. The same ideas there but every day it's something different, a little new but it's been around longer than my knowledge of it. 

Thinking We Know

There are misconceptions everywhere, maybe they come from your very lips as well and later you realize your misstep. But we all do it and we can only learn from each action and do better by the next.