2020 We Can

Think of this--2020 is a new year but it's also a new decade. 
This decade what will you do? Maybe in this decade you'll get married, have children, travel the world, reach the starting point that turns to a successful pedestal in your career and from there you continue with strength and motivation. This new year isn't just another, it's a wake up call. A wake up call, that's right--an alarm really--to what you ask though? 

2020 is the year for change, real change. Not the hypocritical, internet shit but get out there volunteer, donate, foster animals, change your diet and lifestyle for your body and health but also the environment--did you know every second a cow is killed in a slaughterhouse? And trust me, however humane it is and yes beef and other meats are protein and vitamin packed, have you ever driven past those slaughterhouses? I'll tell you, on the way to the valley and city of Angels, from the north end of California--the smell is horrendous.

But look it's not about criticizing or telling you what you should do because I know, life has its struggles and a good percentage of us have a hard enough time trying to stay afloat in our own lives. So all I'm here to say, to advocate and hope upon this new decade of evolving technology and increased numbers of people is to do better. We all can do better, no matter how small it is, it's something and in the larger picture it matters. Your cause, your help, MATTERS.   


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