The Inner Voice, Creativity, & Simply Thinking

What would happen if everyone heard that voice inside--their intuition, the creativity speaking in hopes of action to bring its force to prosperous life? What would become of those souls? Would their life improve, or if we began small, would their mood incline? What would become?

First though we must ask ourselves do we have that voice, that gut wrenching feeling that may hit like a pinprick or one day it'll not be in your chest or stomach but like a brick to the head--does any of this sound familiar? If not well I don't know what to call it but I'd suggest becoming more in tune with yourself and inner self especially. In the ways that you can confidently decide once given and having a presented opportunity before you, to choose the utmost one that you individually, personally and selfishly feel at your best and at peace with.

It's a hard road and it doesn't necessarily happen over night--maybe it's tragedy and loss through the years, wisdom with the passing of time or maybe you wake up from a dream you vividly remember one day and in that same week another you can't recall but each had the same peaceful, refreshing, cleansing feel of warmth to it. When you open your eyes to the dark before sunrise or mid morning, it's as if your slate of worry, anxiety, depression, everything to have occured before that moment in pressing emotional terms--not including all grief, has been picked up and removed from your body. Your mind is clear, your heart with hope again, and your body anew--all to face the day, the week, the month, the year, the rest of your life and every single living second with assurance and inner peace.

It is then you'll hear it, you've found it and you can live, truly live.

Or you don't and it could be you've blocked it's passage into your thoughts and heart, and the gold to shine stays buried and your soul poor in mundane activities, chores and dutiful responsibilities you live your short life out with. 

You have a choice...don't be one to say you don't without actually trying.     


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