True Friends

Our lives are experiments. We try new things, go out and talk to strangers and hope that one day we won't be so alone, or alone in the sense of never connecting with at least one person. That the friends we have now, can you honestly say they are you're true friends? The someone to answer the phone at 2 am when your car won't start, who will pick you up when you're drunk, spend the day with you at a coffee shop or lounging in sweats and ratty shirts with movies in the background, talk with you and give their whole attention besides the occasional side glance to the movie or show in the background that you had originally put on to watch but instead talking is the go to because you each have so much to say and yet you'll listen graciously to the other person. The someone you connect with is your best friend, romantically or platonically--you're there for each other and you care.

Now how many of you have true, real friends? 


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