
Showing posts from December, 2019

It's Okay

At one point or another it'll hit you--the loss. Like a tidal wave, an avalanche, a tsunami, and you're back where you were four maybe ten years ago, yet you don't understand why. You wonder if you've found a trigger that has dug up those painful feelings of experience, or if you never truly worked through the grief you should have. But either of these--are they the truth or excuses? Is it all in your head, a hinder to your present motivation and success? Or is it simply the answer that you're still grieving. For time does heal though for some it takes much longer to hurt less. To feel not as much, not as potent as when it occurred. To be able to breath without the emotional twist of a knife painfully in your chest. So give yourself time to recover, as it won't happen over night, nor have you healed your heart completely through these years and I'm here, alive and breathing to tell you THAT IS ABSOLUTELY OKAY.


We all feel the pressure. We are weighed down by the responsibilities and actions demanded formally and subliminally. We know not enough but we are still forced to make the decisions that will change ourselves and our lives as we know it to ever be. We aren't ever ready to carry out such demands that are forced upon us and yet we conform, we change, we do not what we like or want, what we desire or are passionate for but instead what society and its fillers want us to do. We live our lives as others expect and demand us to carry out; not for our sanity, or our so heavily repeated and termed--"temporary happiness". We live what is in the masses believed and thought to be just. For in teaching and guiltily provoking, we lose ourselves and our pure individuality and creativity for the same routines, the stressful pit falls that come in trying to be who we are not and our soul of self is drowned in false expectations and ideals that have little to nothing to do with