To Change

We all go through phases and times of struggle, where we feel less than our best selves, when each day we hope, pray even that it'll be better than one before. But, there's a problem with that hope: Are you doing anything to change how you feel? Are you making your day go any different than the last?

It's important to note that change happens when:
1.) We want to change for ourselves, not anyone else.
2.) We focus on ourselves, what we want, what we enjoy doing, what overall makes us happy.
3.) We live the life we want to live. Not the life anyone says you should be living or how, but your life for you.

Yes, it sounds selfish, and at first it may seem that way. Saying no to people for the time spent you could get ahead on things you need to do, chores, even taking time for reflection, may actually improve your relationships with those around you, yourself and bring needed clarity. It's a process. There's no sugar coating the patience you'll need and eventually have to learn because everything takes time. Too much time you'll begin to think and you'll want to give up, but please remember the very best things in life take time. 

So the relationship you've been dreaming of for years and maybe most your life, the career you've always wanted, the house, to move and meet new people, everything that you've wished would be your reality will come, but not by only wishing. There's work to be involved and yet if you continue to do what and all that you love, it won't be work, because you'll love everything you do. Put yourself out there, leap from your comfort zone, do something different everyday, challenge yourself and love doing it, all of it. 

Your first step is simple: TRY. 


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